A goose alert is a way to track when items that you see in 📕・RFY reach 📘・AI or 📗・AFA and are accessible for claiming. So how do I set a goose alert?
To see what items you have selected for tracking, you can either use command
or go into your #dashboard and select Goose Alerts. This is where you will be able to remove any items that you no longer want to track.
Keep in mind that because RFY items are specifically targeted to certain users and may cycle between multiple Viners, the item may not end up dropping in AI/AFA if it's been claimed before then. So this feature is less of a guarantee of the item dropping but rather a way to be notified IF the item drops in AI/AFA.
When one of your goose alert items does drop, you will receive a @mention in #iso, so make sure to have the channel un-muted and set to 'Only @mentions'
Here is an example of how to use a Goose Alert in 📕・usa-rfy. Right click, select Apps, then Add Goose Alert.
If an item on your goose alert list has dropped already, it will show a red bar on the side, and show when/where it dropped. This should help make it easier to see which items are likely safer to remove to make room for others.