You will quickly notice that users names appear in different colors on our discord server, depending on the roles they've been assigned. Here's a quick guide to what the colors mean:
@Administrator : Grand Poobahs of our Loyal Order of the Llama – our directors and supreme leaders.
@Moderator (USA) : Help with various Admin duties - enforce the rules, verification & role assistance.
@Moderator (International) : Help with various Admin duties - enforce the rules, verification & role assistance.
@Newb : They are new to Vine and/or new to this server. This role includes a 15-day probationary period which cannot post links to AI and AFA alert channels – this is meant to help learn how links are posted, what the emoji replies mean, and various nuances of how our Brenda bot works.
@Server Booster : These fabulous people use their Discord Nitro subscriptions to “boost” the server – this enables the server bonus perks such as extra emoji slots, higher audio quality, animated banner, etc.
@Supporters : Subscribers to our Patreon.
@Gold-tier Viners : Users with Gold tier status on Vine. You can set this role in #dashboard using the Tiers button.
@Silver-tier Viners : Users with Silver tier status on Vine. You can set this role in #dashboard using the Tiers button.