A queue is a product "list" inside the Ultraviner dashboard.
You can create colored highlights and sound notifications for each product with rules.
The actions icons on the top of each queue.
Updates the information on the queue from amazon vine. When the queue is configured to auto-refresh you will have a slow spinning of the icon.
Queues do not refresh the products when refreshing the entire browser tab, you need to press the refresh button on the top right of the queue, use Key Bindings or Gestures.
Not available on Alert and Bookmark Queues.
Pauses/resumes the auto-refresh
Not available on Alert and Bookmark Queues.
Hides the queue on your queue bar
Show/hide the category filter
Not available on Alert and Bookmark Queues.
The icon is highlighted when a category is filtered.
Show/hide Queue Settings
Put all products pending from the alert buffer straight into the alert queue,
Only available on Alert Queues.
To open the Queues settings, click on the cog icon on the top right of the Queue.
A friendly name used mostly for Rule Filtering inside the Rules panel.
The type of the queue that is being shown (RFY,AFA,AI,Search,Bookmark,Alert,Explore)
How products display on the queue.
How the products are sorted withing the page of the queue.
This does not change the sorting across pages, we cannot control how vine distribute the products between pages.
This setting is not available on Alert queues. Alert queues are always sorted by Date.
Size to display the products inside the Queue. Options from 1 to 9.
How wide is the queue compared to other queues. Options from 1 to 10.
Used to split queues vertically in the same column. Options: 33% 50% 66%. You can have up to 3 queues in the same column.
Hide the top pagination that is visible when the queue has more than one page.
Hide the bottom pagination that is visible when the queue has more than one page.
This setting is not available on Alert and Bookmark queues. Alert queues products are always visible and can be dismissed instead of hidden.
Displays a tooltip with the product title when you hover (or touch, on mobile) your mouse on products.
Adds a rocket button on the queue view to order without even having to see the details.
Enables automatic refresh of the queue. The queue need to be displayed on the screen to refresh.
When enabled you will have a slow rotating animation of the refresh action.
You can chose the minimum and maximum interval for the refresh.
You can restrict the period that the auto-refresh will be activated
It will start refreshing this hour
It will stop refreshing this hour